Thursday, July 27, 2006

Miracles of the internet :-)

The internet can lead to funny things! For example, Chinese researchers reading your publication and not understanding a word ;-)

I got this email today:
Hi Dr. Chris,

After reading your conference paper, 'Herding sheep: live system development for distributed augmented reality', I really interested to know whether this system is also meant for Compaq iPaq running on Linux?

From the conference paper, it is very obvious that the 3D world is developed mainly for Window CE and it was developed using VRML. Yet, this may not perform well on Linux iPaq, because the only 3D viewier for VRML for PocketPC, PocketCortona doesn't support Linux iPaq (for the current version). So, If the system be able to run on Linux iPaq, I would like to know how.

Hope you would reply me. Thanks in advance.

Have a nice day.

Chi (the lastname has been ommited to protect the innocent)
My answer:

Please re-read the paper :-)
It contains answers to all your question...
Especially Section 2.4.
.... some more explanations ....
Hope this helps!
Dr. Chris


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