Thursday, August 16, 2007

interesting japan blogs

recently, i have found a couple of interesting blogs by guys who live in japan:

A real jewel is Pachipro's blog . The author seems to be a really clever and nice guy. For example, his description of Japanese women is really well done.

Firefly's blog is also real fun to read. I don't know why, but reading his blog makes me immediately like him. A great thread on his blog is his "Japan Saga" (14 parts! better start at the bottom, hehe)

12 hours until I leave Germany

My 2.5 week vaccation in Germany is about to end. My flight back to Narita takes off in 12 hours.

It was great to meet my family and friends! I had lots of fun :-)

Here are a few things that I'll do when I am back in Japan:
- Order internet access for my new house in kamakura
- Write a project proposal for a junior research group in germany
- Learn surfing
- Sweat (Tokyo's temperature is currently 35 degrees; also, it's very humid...)

Currently, I have no internet access in my house in kamakura. If you send me an email, it might take some time before you get an answer (please be patient!)