Monday, September 18, 2006


There is no sense to life. Or is there?
Dj Zinc's sound on Saturday hinted that amusement does exist whatsoever ;-)

To find out more details, I am now improving my knowledge about philosophy.
Mind, Machines and Godel
Smullyan (I cannot believe that I find out about Tarski's theorem that late...)

Programming can also lead to englightenment:
"Lisp is worth learning for the profound enlightenment experience you will have when you finally get it; that experience will make you a better programmer for the rest of your days, even if you never actually use Lisp itself a lot." — Eric Raymond, "How to Become a Hacker"
Eric Raymond seems to be a wicked guy. His koans about Unix are .... (fill in your sentiments):

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Not shutting down blog :-)

I was positively surprised by the amount of people who actually read my blog!

So, I decided to continue it! Still, I will keep the update rate on low frequency...

Cause my job is right now on extremely high frequency! Currently I am doing 3 things deeply at once. This combination is hillarious ( I wonder if any researcher in the world is doing the same thing, haha):
- hardcore coding (opengl, python, collision detection ...)
- studying statistics (ANOVA ...)
- reading papers about hand-eye coordination. Especially the brain researchers have done extremely cool experiments! In one paper, they have presented mixed reality systems to monkeys. Unbelievable!!

Today, I hope to relax by something completely different: DJ ZINC and MC DYNAMITE are in Tokyo!!
Check out the party's webpage---better turn up your volume!

Taking a shower now, then PAAARTY!!

Monday, September 04, 2006

Final post

Dear readers,
I have decided to shut down this blog. I think that I just do not have enough time for this blog (besides learning Japanese, working, and exploring Tokyo...). I regret this step, but I am just running out of energy...

Anyways, if you are interested to hear some funny Tokyo stories, then just drop me an email!


Mount Fuji

Last weekend, I have climbed Mt. Fuji, together with our smart intern: Ozan. At some points it was very tough (ascent was 7 hours in continuous rain, at night, with low oxygen), but the views from the summit were rewarding! A funny incident was that when we lost our way (cause all the signs are written in Japanese...), we have met Yukiko, who has also lost her way. After that, the 3 of us were climbing together. This was very good for us, since her equipment was much better than ours: vitamins, oxygene, self-heating patches ...
Another funny thing was that during the decent, we have met friends from Ozan (I think the chances for this are 1:1000000000): they were quite friendly! Only thing I could criticize is that Himani has made a patent for the root of all evil ;-)

Now for the pictures!

Ozan with his head-mounted (of course!) lamp.

Ozan and Yukiko, still happy, after 3 hours of hiking.

I was already a little beaten at that time.

Or maybe I was very beaten?!

Fortunately, I was not the only one ;-)

Self-heating patches (thanks to Yukiko!!). Typically used as traps for cockroaches, because they love the heat.
The image on the front of the patch is so lovely---typically Japanese ...

We have made it to the summit!

Above the clouds...