Wow, my last posting was soooooo long ago... the reason is: I work very hard now and study Japanese for 2-3 hours every day. It's very hard, but i am making nice progress!
Recently, I have started to learn
Kanji ---the Japanese writing system. A basic knowledges requires to memorize 2000 characters. I have found an awesome book that makes it possible to learn about 10 Kanji an hour. I have learned already 80 characters, if I keep up this speed, I should be done around April....
About work: there is an article about the work done in our lab. you can find it here:
article Starting December 29, I have 1 week free time. I hope to do lots of blog entries, then. Because besides working and learning Japanese, i experienced lots of noteworthy things :-) stay tuned!
By the way: i had a problem with my blog---it was not possible to post comments (thanks to Peppi for notifying Oel, who notified me). This problem is solved now!
I am so exhausted---gotta sleep now!